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NTWARI Guy-Fleury
l’Union africaine et la promotion de la paix, de la sécurité et de la stabilité en Afrique
Thèse en Droit mention Droit international et relations internationales soutenue le 1er décembre 2014.
The Promotion of Peace, security and stability is a fundamental objective of the African Union, the Pan African continental organization. This aim is a now a core legal function for which has been established an appropriate scheme within the Organization: the Architecture of Peace and Security in Africa(APS). Within an updated legal articulation, at the heart of which is the Peace and Security Council, this function is placed in legal conditions that must allow the African Union to act effectively in the cases of breach of peace, security and stability. More than a decade after the establishment of the new organization, the fundamental nature of this function, pushes therefore to question its proper place, in light of the capacity of the Organization to ensure it, at the facts test. This question illuminates emergence conditions of this function but identifies also an ambivalent dynamic in its implementation, marked at once by the extensive nature of the competences of the Organization in this area but its limited scope when facing increasing conflicts.
Mots-Clés : Paix – Sécurité – Stabilité – Afrique – opérations de soutien à la paix – Organisations des Nations Unies – Organisation internationale – sanctions – partenariat – Conseil de paix et de sécurité – Architecture de Paix et de sécurité en Afrique – conflits et crises en Afrique.
Keywords : Peace – security – stability – Peace support operations – United Nations – International Organizations – Sanctions – Partnership – Peace and Security Council – African Peace and Security Architecture – Conflict and crises in Africa.
Membres du jury :
- Laurence BOISSON DE CHAZOURNES, Professeur, Université de Genève
- Alain ONDOUA, Professeur, Université de Poitiers
- Philippe LAGRANGE, Professeur, Université de Poitiers
- Olivier CORTEN, Professeur, Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Stéphane DOUMBE-BILLE, Professeur, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- Mon Président du jury : Olivier CORTEN
n Lyon
Equipe d'accueil : CDI