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MILANDOU Christian Rock
Les protagonistes africains dans l’évangélisation du Congo fran?ais : les catéchistes, les porteurs et les oubliés de la mission, de 1880 à 1960
Thèse en Sciences sociales, soutenue le 29 novembre 2022.
Mots clés : Congo fran?ais, ?vangélisation, spiritains, auxiliaires, collaborateurs, engagement, acculturation, occasionnels, envoyés, ancêtres.
During its history, the French Congo has known three stages in its evangelization. However the most decisive remains that begun in the second half of the 19th century by the Spiritans under the aegis of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. Unlike their predecessors, who evangelized this territory relying only on their own strength, the spiritan missionaries on arriving in the French Congo, supported by local collaborators. Some were occasional like the heads of village and porters. While others such as catechists, teachers, interpreters, cooks and boys were trained in mission schools. Endowed with Christian and human values after 5 to 6 years of training alongside the missionaries, these auxiliaries were sent after their congeners as apostles where they carried out active propaganda for the mission and Western civilization. Indeed, for the Spiritans, the two dimensions of evangelization and Western civilization were intimately linked. Thus through their actions, these auxiliaries have the same time become witnesses of the Christian faith by introducing Christian values into their living environment ( inculturation), but also by becoming actors of acculturation, that is to say by promoting the encounter between the Western culture and Congolese culture. With the missionaries, in connection with their commitment, these auxiliaries are counted today among the ancestors of the Christian faith in French Congo.
Keywords : French Congo, Evangelization, Spiritans , auxiliaries, collaborators, commitment, acculturation, occasional, envoys, ancestors.Directeur de thèse : Philippe DELISLE
Membres du jury :
- Mr DELISLE Philippe, Directeur de thèse, Professeur des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France,
- Mr COURTOIS Luc, Rapporteur, Professeur, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique,
- Mme LAUX Claire, Rapporteure, Professeure des Universités, Science Po Bordeaux, France,
- Mr SAAIDIA Oissila, Professeure des Universités, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France,
- Mr ZIDI Joseph, Ma?tre de confèrence, Université de Marien NGOUABI, Congo.
Président du jury : Luc COURTOIS