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L'association des avocats de la République populaire de Chine : une approche comparative au regard du droit fran?ais
Thèse en Droit Comparé soutenue le 26 juin 2014.
In China, a lawyers' community is being formed. It begins to influence the "legal conscience" of the society. However, unlike their French colleagues, Chinese lawyers do not have yet enough sense of belonging to a common professional group. Their associations are not autonomous. Although the profession is much inspired by the experiences of "ethically more developed" countries, the fundamental principles of the profession are not yet rooted in Chinese lawyers’ collective concept. As a liberal profession, lawyers are experiencing an inherent need for autonomy. Otherwise, they cannot make their voice heard by the public, nor protect their professional rights. Similarly, lawyers' activities cannot be fairly supervised by a professional institution dependent on the public power. The autonomy of lawyers' association, whether in China or in France, should be considered as a guarantee for justice and all persons subject to trial. The autonomy is not an end in itself. It is the best way to ensure the independence of the lawyer. The essence of lawyers' autonomy is explained by its implementation in lawyers’ professional activities. From his foot Hercules. This comparative study aims to reveal, at least to some extent, the real landscape of Chinese justice, and to explore the distance between the People's Republic of China and a "rule of law" in its modern sense.
Mots-Clés : Association des avocats – Double administration – Autonomie – Indépendance – Liberté – ?tat de droit –Adhésion obligatoire – Service public – Valeurs fondamentales – Déontologie – Discipline – Procès équitable – Voies de recours judiciaires
Keywords : Lawyers' association – Dual administration – Autonomy – Independence – Freedom – Rule of law – Obligatory affiliation – Public service – Fundamental values – Deontology – Discipline – Due process of law – Judicial review
Directeur de thèse : Frédérique FERRAND
Membres du jury :
Serge GUINCHARD, Professeur émérite, Université Paris II
Marie GORE, Professeur des universités, Université Paris II
Marianne COTTIN, Ma?tre de conférences HDR, Université de Saint Etienne
Eric JEANTET, Avocat, B?tonnier au Barreau de Lyon
Frédérique FERRAND, Professeur des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Président du jury : Serge GUINCHARD
Mention : Très honorable avec les félicitations
Equipe d'accueil : Centre de droit comparé