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?rosion et structure paysagère dans un bassin versant viticole (Mercurey, Bourgogne) : des enjeux actuels aux dynamiques holocènes
Thèse en Sciences sociales, soutenue le 13 décembre 2022.
Mots clés : structure paysagère, connectivité, érosion, viticulture, transfert sédimentaire, sédimentologie, anthracologie, modélisation, Bourgogne
Many small-scale studies show that erosive processes are exacerbated by human activities. However, landscape’s anthropization takes different forms, hence the interest of local studies to capture these specificities and to assess the influence of landscape structure on soil erosion. We aim to discuss the relationship between landscapes’ cultivation and sediment cascade efficiency in transmitting sediments to the outlet of a watershed on which the Mercurey vineyard is located. This catchment is structurally affected by soil erosion and well-known for its long-time winegrowing function which gives it the potential to extend this work to past periods. The approach adopted is systemic, multidisciplinary, combining geomorphology, sedimentology, anthracology, field metrology, geomatics and modelling, and developed on different time scales (current and long-term). The results underline that, at the current scale, sediment transfers to the outlet are low despite the high erosive potential of the vineyard context. We highlight that the hydraulic correction infrastructures installed in the vineyard, in order to collect the eroded sediments on the hillslopes and transfer them to artificial traps downstream, are at the origin of this paradoxical situation. They break the sediment connectivity of the catchment area. Secondly, the reconstruction of the evolution of the sediment cascade over the last five millennia has shown that the evolution of the sediment connectivity is influenced by the anthropic organization of the landscape (orientation of the vine rows in relation to the slope, stony agricultural developments, places where vines are grown, etc.), particularly since the Roman period.
Keywords : landscape structure, connectivity, erosion, vineyard, sediment transfer, sedimentology, anthracology, modeling, Burgundy.Directeur de thèse : Etienne CASSART et Aurélien CHRISTOL
Membres du jury :
- M. COSSART Etienne, Directeur de thèse, Professeur des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3,
- M. CHRISTOL Aurélien, Co-directeur de thèse, Ma?tre de conférence, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3,
- Mme CARCAUD Nathalie, Rapporteure, Professeure des universités, Agro澳门银河的网站多少 Ouest, Angers,
- M. LESPEZ Laurent, Rapporteur, Professeur des universités, Université Paris-Est Créteil,
- Mme BIZZI Simone, Assistant professor, Université de Padoue, Italie,
- Mme DELMAS Magali, Ma?tre de conférence HDR, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia,
- M. FRESSARD Mathieu, Chargé de recherche, CNRS, UMR EVS, Lyon,
- M. MERCIER Denis, Professeur des universités, Sorbonne Université, Paris.
Président du jury : Denis MERCIER