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La codification du droit de la responsabilité des organisations internationales : ?tude des travaux de la Commission du droit international relatifs au projet d’articles sur la responsabilité des organisations internationales
Thèse en Droit mention Droit international et relations internationales soutenue le 8 décembre 2014.
The international law has finally a set of rules on the responsibility of the international organizations for internationally wrongful acts. After 10 years of work, the International Law Commission was able in 2011 to elaborate a draft articles codifying the rules on the matter. However the task was difficult: subject these entities, whose nature and functioning is different from States to a single set of rules in the field of international responsibility. The purpose of this study focuses on the work of codification made by the Commission in the draft articles. This is specifically to analyze the techniques of codification used by the Commission in the elaboration of the applicable rules: is it a codification sticto sensu of the practice or a creation of new rules under the "progressive development" of the international law? The answer to this question presupposes to define the sources of codification in each of the provisions of the draft articles concerned, wondering if it embodies a well-established practice of international organizations, or rather a transposition of the rules of the draft articles on States responsibility, adapted to the features of international organizations. At present the authority of the draft articles does not seem to have unanimity, and in this context, the present study on the relation between codification and progressive development in the codification work of ILC can appreciate the substantial own authority of each provisions of the draft articles. Especially that no one knows if a codification convention will be adopted, which will set the provisions of the draft articles up as legally binding norms.
Mots-Clés : Attribution, codification, développement progressif, Commission du Droit International, contre-mesures, invocation de la responsabilité, fait internationalement illicite, manquement, organisations internationales, pratique, règles primaires, règles secondaires, responsabilité à raison du fait d’autrui, responsabilité internationale, responsabilité subsidiaire, violation (grave) des obligations internationales.
Keywords : Attribution, breach (serious) of international obligations, codification, countermeasures, internationally wrongful act, International Law Commission, international organizations, international responsibility, invocation of responsibility, failure, practice, primary rules, progressive development, responsibility in connection with the act of others, secondary rules, subsidiary responsibility.
Membres du jury :
- Jorge CARDONA, Professeur des universités, Université de Valence
- Slim LAGHMANI, Professeur des universités, Université de Cartage
- Alain PELLET, Professeur émérite, Université Paris-Ouest, Nanterre- La défense
- Louis BALMOND, Professeur des universités, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
- Stéphane DOUMB?-BILL?, Professeur des universités, Université
Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Président du jury : Alain PELLET
Equipe d'accueil : EDIEC